Get Environmental Toxins Out of Your Body NOW !
Environmental Toxic Substances
Get Environmental Toxins Including
Heavy Metals * Volatile Organic Compounds * Pesticide Residues
Forest Fire Smoke-Borne Toxins * Free Radicals * Allergens
Toxins in Cosmetics & Makeup * Viral Reproductive Particles & More
OUT of Your Body - Directly, Thoroughly and Safely - With
Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra
Our bodies are ingenious at processing and eliminating environmental toxins - but they also have limits. As the number and kinds of these toxins increase in our world, science tells us they also interact, with combined effects often more serious than any toxin separately. Our ability to process these substances also diminishes as we age. The body copes with all this to some extent by storing them in it's least metabolically active tissues - namely fatty tissues and bones ; but at a certain point they breach even this line of defense. Here we see the full outbreak of inflammation, autoimmunity and other chronic and serious disease.
Many natural supplement strengthen the organs with which the body does its detox work. This is the right thing to do - often these are excellent products, and we use some ourselves. But Pure Body Extra is something different. It's made from a mineral that's possibly the best toxin magnet on earth - namely clinoptilolite, from the class of minerals known as zeolites. It's properties give it a powerful affinity for large molecules with an especially high positive electrical charge - to which class belong virtually all substances that are toxic or poisonous to us.
Clinoptilolite in nature carries whatever toxins it's attracted, literally since it was created. But as it's carrying capacity for toxins is high, it can still attract more, and it's been used for purifying water and animal feed for decades.
In Pure Body Extra Strength, two important improvements are made to naturally occurring clinoptilolite : first, it's put through a process to remove toxins it's absorbed previously, making it pristine, and "activated" to remove toxins as no other substance or product we know. Next, the clinoptilolite is micronized - ground down into a particle size able to reach every part of the body, attract toxins and remove them harmlessly in the urine.
Pure Body Extra carries FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status, and can used by people of any age, including children ; and people also often give it to their pets. We've researched environmental toxins and used detox products for over 20 years - and among them, in our experience, this is by far the best !
Click Here to ORDER - and learn more about our FREE $50 GIFT CARD CODES
Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra
Click here to learn MORE About Pure Body Extra
"Get Environmental Toxins Out of Your Body NOW !"
- Cause Inflammation and Free Radical Damage Wherever They Settle in Your Body
- Become Incorporated Into Various Body Tissues, Causing AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS
- Block NUTRIENT RECEPTORS in All Body Systems
- Prevent Proper Absorption of Foods, Nutritional Supplements - Even Prescription Drugs
- Affect and Cause Illness in PETS Too !
Get Environmental Toxins Including
Heavy Metals * Volatile Organic Compounds * Pesticide Residues
Forest Fire Smoke-Borne Toxins * Free Radicals * Allergens
Toxins in Cosmetics & Makeup * Viral Reproductive Particles & More
OUT of Your Body - Directly, Thoroughly and Safely - With
Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra
Our bodies are ingenious at processing and eliminating environmental toxins - but they also have limits. As the number and kinds of these toxins increase in our world, science tells us they also interact, with combined effects often more serious than any toxin separately. Our ability to process these substances also diminishes as we age. The body copes with all this to some extent by storing them in it's least metabolically active tissues - namely fatty tissues and bones ; but at a certain point they breach even this line of defense. Here we see the full outbreak of inflammation, autoimmunity and other chronic and serious disease.
Many natural supplement strengthen the organs with which the body does its detox work. This is the right thing to do - often these are excellent products, and we use some ourselves. But Pure Body Extra is something different. It's made from a mineral that's possibly the best toxin magnet on earth - namely clinoptilolite, from the class of minerals known as zeolites. It's properties give it a powerful affinity for large molecules with an especially high positive electrical charge - to which class belong virtually all substances that are toxic or poisonous to us.
Clinoptilolite in nature carries whatever toxins it's attracted, literally since it was created. But as it's carrying capacity for toxins is high, it can still attract more, and it's been used for purifying water and animal feed for decades.
In Pure Body Extra Strength, two important improvements are made to naturally occurring clinoptilolite : first, it's put through a process to remove toxins it's absorbed previously, making it pristine, and "activated" to remove toxins as no other substance or product we know. Next, the clinoptilolite is micronized - ground down into a particle size able to reach every part of the body, attract toxins and remove them harmlessly in the urine.
Pure Body Extra carries FDA GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status, and can used by people of any age, including children ; and people also often give it to their pets. We've researched environmental toxins and used detox products for over 20 years - and among them, in our experience, this is by far the best !
Click Here to ORDER - and learn more about our FREE $50 GIFT CARD CODES
Touchstone Essentials Pure Body Extra
Click here to learn MORE About Pure Body Extra
"Get Environmental Toxins Out of Your Body NOW !"
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