Traveler Take Heed .....
Travel is sometimes a necessity in our lives, and can of course be a real joy. But travel also has certain hazards today. Whether you travel for business or pleasure, deal with these sleeper health and technology related issues first !
Travel is sometimes a necessity in our lives, and can of course be a real joy. But travel also has certain hazards today. Whether you travel for business or pleasure, deal with these sleeper health and technology related issues first !
5G Installation on Vacation Rental Rooftop - South Carolina
EMF Protection While You Travel
Almost every EMF exposure we have in our lives - and also our vulnerability to their effects - are increased while we travel. Consider :
- The intense electromagnetic fields generated by equipment in airports and on airplanes.
- The strong electromagnetic fields produced by cars and trucks we may spend long hours in - especially in newer models.
- The especially close spacing of 5G and cell phone towers along freeways and highways.
EMF exposures while driving in cars and trucks are still almost completely unrecognized. On a recent 425 mile vacation trip we counted the roadside cell and 5G towers we passed - and were shocked. Granted that the route we traveled was a major travel and commerce corridor, long stretches were completely rural. Yet from our door to our destination, the distance between roadside towers was never less than 2 miles. In addition every main crossing road meant more towers, every town still more, and our resort town destination, the most frequent density of all ! |
- For these reasons EMF is also a health concern for commuters and long distance truckers.
- The density of "state of the art" smart networks and buildings in cities and tourist areas are consistently also especially high.
- Compounding biological stress on our bodies during travel : the high density of WiFi and 5G equipment - which can't be turned off - in hotels and motels.
- To this add the temptation to eat too much, and less than healthy foods during travel.
- And underlying all considerations : the normal, mostly positive, but still stressful stress of traveling long distances, finding our way around in new places, sleeping in strange beds, etc.
- The density of "state of the art" smart networks and buildings in cities and tourist areas are consistently also especially high.
- Compounding biological stress on our bodies during travel : the high density of WiFi and 5G equipment - which can't be turned off - in hotels and motels.
- To this add the temptation to eat too much, and less than healthy foods during travel.
- And underlying all considerations : the normal, mostly positive, but still stressful stress of traveling long distances, finding our way around in new places, sleeping in strange beds, etc.
Cell Towers Everywhere ! As noted previously, the safe distance to live or spend time near a cell phone tower may be as much as 1640 feet (500 meters) in any direction. But truckers, and in fact, any motorist may want to start noticing how many are placed directly at the freeway fuel stops, motels, restaurants and convenience markets we visit or even sleep at. |
Truck Stop Cell Tower - North Carolina
A (Painful) Personal Anecdote
In 2019 we had a memorable and otherwise excellent visit to Munich - one of our favorite cities. Our hotel was thoroughly modern and state of the art ; but it also had three separate cell tower masts on the rooftop, a few stories above our room. I'm familiar with the effects of high intensity EMF on my own body - pressure in my head and kidney area, and a general feeling of tension in my body, especially when I try to sleep. We usually bring along EMF protection devices when we travel, but in this case we didn't - and this was exactly my unpleasant experience, at cost especially of my sleep, for the whole 10 nights of our Munich stay.
In 2019 we had a memorable and otherwise excellent visit to Munich - one of our favorite cities. Our hotel was thoroughly modern and state of the art ; but it also had three separate cell tower masts on the rooftop, a few stories above our room. I'm familiar with the effects of high intensity EMF on my own body - pressure in my head and kidney area, and a general feeling of tension in my body, especially when I try to sleep. We usually bring along EMF protection devices when we travel, but in this case we didn't - and this was exactly my unpleasant experience, at cost especially of my sleep, for the whole 10 nights of our Munich stay.
Solutions ! Given the many exposures we face during travel, we recommend a comprehensive approach, including the excellent EMF protection products you'll find below. But we also recommend measures to strengthen the whole human being. For an overview, click image at right for our article on EMF protective measures - many inexpensive or free. Begin with those closest at hand, and add more one by one as you can. |
EMF Protection DEVICES We Recommend
EMF sources in our environment continue to increase - and despite our best measures, some are unavoidable . For these exposures, EMF protection devices are needed, and there are some excellent ones. We use - and recommend - the ones below, based on a combination of effectiveness and expense. The devices we recommend are for three kinds of exposures :
1) Radiofrequency (RF or WiFi) Radiation From Consumer Electronic Devices Used at Home and at Work - and Also While Traveling :
Protection For these kinds of exposures we recommend our own Harmonic Shield EMF protection technology. The Harmonic Shield is laboratory tested to reduce absorption of EMF from a cell phone over 97% (Specific Absorption Rate or SAR testing). For more on The Harmonic Shield, visit our website |
The Harmonic Shield is also available as a Gift Pack - 7 x our 1 Pack, individually packaged, with lovely gold gift envelopes. Seven gifts for seven friends or loved ones ! |
It's also possible to reduce exposures to the whole range of EMF emitting devices in your life ..... or protect your friends and family with our economical Harmonic Shield 12 Pack |
2) STRONGER EMF Sources in Our Home, Work and Travel Environments, Including
Smart Meters 5G Networks Cell Phone Towers High Voltage Power Lines
With these stronger EMF sources, there are actually two main sources of harm and concern - both quite serious, and both of which must be dealt with.
The first is stronger radiofrequency (RF) radiation. As noted, the wireless and WiFi signals of our consumer devices (cell phones, tablets, routers etc) are also RF, but in these more powerful devices its effects are correspondingly stronger and more damaging.
Smart Meters 5G Networks Cell Phone Towers High Voltage Power Lines
With these stronger EMF sources, there are actually two main sources of harm and concern - both quite serious, and both of which must be dealt with.
The first is stronger radiofrequency (RF) radiation. As noted, the wireless and WiFi signals of our consumer devices (cell phones, tablets, routers etc) are also RF, but in these more powerful devices its effects are correspondingly stronger and more damaging.
For these considerably stronger RF/WiFi sources we recommend the Aulterra WHOLE HOUSE USB. The Whole House USB neutralizes radiofrequency (RF) radiation from all electrical devices plugged into the inside or outside of the home or office and is also a must during travel. It also neutralizes ambient EMF entering the home or workplace from outside. It can plug into the USB port of any USB wall charger. |
The Aulterra Whole House Neutralizer. Click any image for additional product description.
You can expect RF exposure in any hotel or motel room you stay in, and also in the homes of friends or family members when you visit. We should also note that the Aulterra Whole House USB Neutralizer can be used to neutralize RF radiation while flying on airplanes ! EMF on planes is generated by jet engines, WiFi modems, cockpit computers, airplane electrical wiring, electrical sensors and communications equipment - and can be considerable. The airplane itself is also metallic, and holds and intensifies RF radiation inside the plane. Some airplanes have AC outlets or USB ports you can plug a phone charger into. Find out the availability of these before flying with the simple question "Will I be able to charge my |
phone (tablet/laptop) in flight ?" If the answer is"no", ask if there will be a USB port at your seat, where you can plug in a tablet or laptop. If either option is available, you have all you need to use your neutralizer. Usable in your home, workplace, hotel rooms and even airplanes, the Aulterra Whole House USB is a very versatile and effective device. Again : this EMF neutralizer neutralizes biological effects of RF on your body - but does nothing to change the signal of your devices !
EMF Protection in Your Car or Truck
As noted, EMF is also a tiring and depleting factor in cars during commuting or vacation travel ; and also in long distance trucking. The Aulterra WHOLE CAR USB - EMF Neutralizer neutralizes radiofrequency (RF) radiation inside your car or truck, offering full EMF protection and a healthier driving experience. It plugs into the USB port of any USB car charger. Click Any Image for More Information ! |
3) DIRTY ELECTRICITY Exposures During Travel
A further kind of harmful EMFyou'll face during travel is Dirty Electricity (DE). Dirty electricity is unusable electromagnetic energy created by many electrical devices as they operate. It's caused by interruptions in the normal flow of power through wires and electrical systems, that project into the home or workplace environment as chaotic energy, harmful to biological functions. These are caused by mismatches between the many devices we use, and wiring systems not fully able to bear them. The number, power and variety of device we place on these system becomes simply too complex, and too much.
Various devices contribute to dirty electricity, including some that help save energy costs - among these solar power systems, dimmer switches and compact fluorescent bulbs. Other common sources include televisions, wireless cable boxes and video game consoles. Smart meters are an especially strong and intrusive source of dirty electricity. You can expect to be exposed to dirty electricity in any hotel or motel room you stay in while traveling - and very probably in the home of friends or family members you visit !
Greenwave Dirty Electricity Filters reduce dirty electricity present on electrical wiring in homes and workplaces - and in hotels and motels too. Plug the filter into a standard three prong electrical outlet for immediate results. Filters include a built-in outlet at their base for plug-through convenience. Two filters should be enough for any hotel/motel or other room you sleep in while traveling. |
The recommendations above should help you take major steps towards protecting yourself from EMF while you travel - and when you're at home too. Consider these risks and resources and put apprpriate devices in place to protect yourself and your loved ones now !